Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Seriousness Of Rape And The Crime Itself - 1694 Words

The Seriousness of Rape Keiser University Victimology Adriana Braxton 2/21/2017 In this paper I will be able to tell you about rape and the crime itself. I will explain who the victims of this crime are, how prevalent is this crime, what are the causes of this crime, in what ways do victims contribute to the crime, methods of prevention, resources available to assist victims of this crime, and my option of any needed changes in resources, laws, and sentencing related to this crime. There are many different types of rape. Rape is a violent crime involving sexual acts forced on one person by another. Rape is technically defined as forced penetration, this includes with any body part or object, including anal, vaginal or oral†¦show more content†¦79.6% of female victims who have experienced one or more completed rape experienced the first rape before the age of 25; 42.2% were under 18 at the time of the first completed rape (Sexual Assault Statistics, 2017).† These are just statistics and numbers gathered from incidents that have actually been reported, there are plenty people, not only in the state of Florida, who do not want to report the crime. There are many different reasons as to why people wouldn’t want to report such a crime. The most common reason is because they know the person who raped them, rather that person be a friend, uncle, doctor, and or teacher. As said before, many of these victims know their rapist but also they cannot h elp but wonder what brought this type of behavior on? Many people today say the way a woman dresses can be a huge factor on why she got raped or sexually assaulted; others say that getting drunk puts woman or men at risk and can result in that drunk person consenting to sex but not really meaning it due to the fact that they are not in the right frame of mind (Burgess, A.W., Regehr, C., Roberts, A.R. 2013). Therefore, someone can easily take advantage of the situation and you. But for many rapists those are just excuses to get what they want, rape for them is not just about sex but control and power over someone, they need that power to feel good about themselves. A study actually show that most men who do commit rape areShow MoreRelatedCriminal Law, Questions and Answers 1284 Words   |  5 Pages1 Introduction Restorative justice as a whole is not gaining support in South Africa as the majority of our country is in favour of the punitive system in order to combat the high levels of crime. 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